Fraud Alert

Our response to combat fraud

Fraud Alert : The current COVID-19 pandemic has created a massive demand and a worldwide shortage of personal protective equipment (PPE).

 In this battle against the virus, Bergamot’s gloves, masks, and other personal protective gear are used around the world by healthcare professionals, front liners, industrial workers and ordinary citizens seeking to protect themselves and to stop the spread. It is on the back of this rise in global demand that led a massive increase in schemes seeking to defraud and take advantage of our customers and/or potential end-users. The simpler of the schemes normally revolve around the promise to deliver ‘non existent’ Bergamot products after collecting the payments up-front. The more elaborate schemes involve actual counterfeit products with fraudulent certificates, product registrations, and test reports. All schemes that we have encountered uses fraudulent Bergamot employee names, logos, certificates, and ‘look alike’ Bergamot emails. We caution our customers to be vigilant and to look out for these schemes. Bergamot is aware and will continuously develop new ways & methods to protect our customers.

What to do when you encounter suspicious activity.

To help the fight against fraud, we would need to gather as much specifics as possible – from the contact information, details of the offer being made, and any other communication or documents in relation to the suspected fraudulent activity. We also do advise reporting fraudulent activities to law enforcement.

If suspicious activity is encountered in relations to the purchase and acquisition of Bergamot products.